Gymnastics for Boys Age 5+

We offer both recreational and competitive level gymnastics programs for boys from 5 years of age (Kindergarten) and above. Men's artistic gymnastics is a foundation sport that provides many benefits to participants. We have boys who participate in gymnastics to enhance and improve their performance in a number of other sports where strength, flexibility, agility and coordination are key attributes.
All classes within our boys program have a compulsory $96.00 registration and insurance fee that is in addition to the term fees. This fee is payable once per calendar year by all participants and is charged to new gymnasts at enrolment. This fee is non-refundable regardless of how many terms are completed and non-transferable to another person. No family discounts are applied to this fee. The yearly registraton and insurance fee is scaled down across the year depending on the term that you join (Term 2 - $72.00, Term 3 - $48.00, Term 4 - $24.00).

Men's gymnastics:
*builds strength and prepares the body for challenges in life
*enhances co-ordination and agility, allowing the body to move like lightning
*develops posture and confident body movement, including the ability to land safely
*challenges the mind and body to reach new goals
*develops healthy minds and bodies for now and later life

Our boys program structure is as follows:


Gym Springers (mixed gender for children in Kindergarten), Gym Jumpers (ages 6 - 8) and Gym Twisters (ages 8+)
Gym Springers is a mixed gender program for boys and girls in Kindergarten (first year of primary school) and is targeted at five year olds who are new to the sport or who are moving from our Kindergym / Pre-school Programs.

Gym Jumpers and Gym Twisters are introductory gymnastics programs for boys who are new to the sport or have some experience in gymnastics and are aged 6 - 8 years (Year 1 - 3 at school) or aged 8+ (Year 4 and above).

In these programs gymnasts will be introduced to all six of the men's apparatus (floor, pommel horse, rings, vault, parallel bars and horizontal bar) learning and developing the basics of each apparatus while building strength, coordination and flexibility. These classes provide a solid foundation in basic gymnastics skills for boys to move to either competitive levels or focus on gymnastics as a recreational pursuit. Members will be given the opportunity to move into the next level when their skills are developed to an appropriate stage with all gymnasts generally staying in the one level for a full year.

Program NameAgeCost per 10 week termTimetable
please email to check vacancies
Gym Springers*
(Boys & Girls)
5-6 years (in Kindergarten) $235 - 45 minutes per week Monday 4.00pm-4.45pm, 4.30pm-5.15pm, 5.30-6.15pm
Tuesday 3.45-4.30pm, 4.15-5.00pm, 5.15-6.00pm
Wednesday 4.15-5.00pm, 4.45p-5.30p, 5.15-6.00pm
Thursday 3.45-4.30pm, 4.45p-5.30pm
Friday 4.45pm-5.30pm
Saturday 11.00am-11.45am, 11.45am-12.30pm, 12.30pm-1.15pm, 12.45-1.30pm, 1.15-2.00pm
Gym Jumpers*
(Boys - Beginner / 2nd year of gymnastics)
6 - 7 years old (Year 1 and 2) $260.00 - 1 hour per week Monday 5.30pm-6.30pm
Tuesday 4.30-5.30pm
Wednesday 3.45pm-4.45pm
Thursday 3.45pm-4.45pm, 5.30pm-6.30pm
Saturday 2.45pm-3.45pm
Gym Twisters*
(Boys Beginners)
8 - 13 years $260.00 - 1 hour per week Tuesday 5.30-6.30pm
Wednesday 6.30pm-7.30pm
Thursday 6.30-7.30pm
Friday 3.45pm-4.45pm
Saturday 1.30pm-2.30pm

Experienced Gymnasts
Gym Flairs (ages 6 - 8) and Gym Giants (ages 8 - 13)
These programs are aimed at boys who have at least three to four terms or more of gymnastics experience and have developed sound basics. These levels focus on further progressing their skills on all six apparatus and building strength to enable skill progression.

Saturday 1.30pm-2.30pm
Program NameAgeCost per 10 week termTimetable
please email to check vacancies
Gym Flairs*
(Boys - 1 - 2 years experience)
5 - 7 years $260.00 - 1 hour per week Monday 5.30pm-6.30pm
Tuesday 4.30pm-5.30pm
Wednesday 5.30pm-6.30pm
Friday 3.45-4.45pm
Saturday 2.45pm-3.45pm
Gym Giants*
(Boys - 1 - 2 years experience)
8 - 13 years $260.00 - 1 hour per week Tuesday 5.30pm-6.30pm
Wednesday 6.30pm-7.30pm
Thursday 6.30pm-7.30pm
Friday 3.45pm-4.45pm

Pre-Competitive Gymnasts
Bronze, Silver & Gold (ages 6+)
Our pre-competitive level program is aimed at gymnasts who have strong basics on all six apparatus and are progressing towards our competitive level squads or who are continuing in our recreational program at a higher level. Gymnasts generally have 1 - 2 years of experience before joining this program or have been accelerated quickly due to their progress. Entry to this program is from our lower levels or after consultation with our Head Coach.

Program NameAgeCost per 10 week termTimetable
please email to check vacancies
Bronze Level*
(Boys - pre competitive level - 2 - 3 years of gymnastics)
Ages 6+ $260.00 - 1 hour per week Tuesday 4.30pm-5.30pm
Wednesday 3.45pm-4.45pm
Thursday 4.45pm-5.45pm. 5.30pm-6.30pm
Friday 3.45pm-4.45pm
Saturday 1.45pm-2.45pm
Silver Level*
(Boys - pre competitive level - 2 - 3 years of gymnastics)
Ages 6+ $260.00 - 1 hour per week Monday 4.45pm-5.45pm
Tuesday 3.45pm-4.45pm
Wednesday 4.45pm-5.45pm
Friday 5.45pm-6.45pm
Saturday 1.45pm-2.45pm
Gold Level*
(Boys - pre competitive level - 3 - 4 years of gymnastics)
Ages 6+ $260.00 - 1 hour per week Monday 4.45pm-5.45pm
Tuesday 3.45pm-4.45pm
Wednesday 4.45pm-5.45pm
Friday 5.45pm-6.45pm
Saturday 1.45pm-2.45pm

Competitive Boys Programs - State Levels & Australian National Levels
(ages 5+)
Our competitive levels squads are targeted programs with boys within these levels participating in either the Gymnastics ACT State Levels or National Levels competitions. Entry to these programs is by invitation / consultation with the Head Coach only. The timetable for these programs is available on confirmation of a place following consultation with our Head Coach.